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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Golf Tournament

Alright friends, I need your help!
Remember all those sheep I am making for the kids at the Mexico City orphanage? Well, the time is almost here for our trip to Mexico City to meet these kids and deliver the herd!

I will be going to Mexico City in October to meet the kids at the Salvation Army Orphanage and give them their sheep, plus do some other mission work while we are there. We are hosting the 4th Annual Golf Tournament as a fundraiser to help cover the costs of our trip. This tournament is a lot of fun and has some great door prizes and placing prizes!

Here is how you can help us get to Mexico City:

1. We need hole sponsors!!! This is a great way to help us get to Mexico City AND promote your business, or dedicate something special to your loved ones. You can purchase a half sign for $50 or a whole sign for $100. I can make you a deal also: 3 whole signs for $250!
These signs are always very well done and will be at each hole for all the golfers to see. Feel free to copy and print the below form to purchase.

2. Do you golf or know friends who love to golf?? Please join our tournament! Below is some info all about how to register. Feel free to copy these pictures and print to register! A free lunch is provided at 12:30pm and a chance to win several door prizes!

3. Donate. If you are out of town and would like to support Dunlap Love's mission and our team's work in Mexico City this October, we would love to have your help to get there! You can send a check to:

Main Street Baptist Church
Mail to:
Michael Gianopulos
126 North Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284

4. Pray! Please be praying for our team as we prepare to travel to Mexico City! Please pray God would provide for our trip, would protect us from fear, and would give us a heart like His.

I am so thankful to those of you who have supported this mission and have continued to pray for us! I am excited to see how God is going to provide!


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